
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Homemade Sour Cream & Onion Chip Dip

Dan's uncle makes some really yummy onion chip dip that the family regularly devours at every holiday gathering. It tastes simple enough, it's hard to note anything but the flavor of onion and sour cream, but it has proven harder to match those flavors with just those two ingredients.

This weekend I tried to make an attempt at recreating it so I purchased some light sour cream and grabbed an onion from the pantry. I also had decided to add chives, which were given to me as a birthday gift from my place of employment.

On a side note, the chives came from Penzeys Spices, a place I love to shop for spices. I will admit I get overly excited over spices from Penzeys and we were very lucky because many people bought us spices and gift cards for Penzeys for my bridal shower and for the wedding, so we have been happily enjoying our new stash of spices.

But back to the recipe. It's simple enough, I started by grating the onion into the sour cream. I used about one medium-sized onion. Granted, I kept tasting until I thought it was flavored enough, so taste often! Then I added chives, probably about a tablespoon. I still felt it was missing something so I added some salt to taste.

The finished product:

While it didn't quite live up to the flavors of the dip I was trying to emulate, it did taste very good and was eaten up by our guests who were over to celebrate my birthday. I'll definitely have to give this one a try again, but I think I may need to sample the original dip again before doing so.


  1. Gotta echo that gushing for Penzeys. Really -- nothing beats their spices. And I wasn't a big fan of spice blends -- until I discovered their hot (Indian) curry powder. And their Northwoods Seasoning. Totally fantastic.

    What do you think you'll add to the dip the next time around?

  2. Actually, I'm not quite sure what I'd add the next time, which is why I'd like to taste the dip again since it has been awhile since we've had it. I might add more onion, and I'd definitely add the chives again, but from there I'm at a loss.
