I really enjoy the fish fry there, and others say the signature dish is delicious. Melissa would highly recommend the Devonshire Panini, which has ham, tomato, asparagus and cheddar.
But one dish we both like is the deli's Gazpacho soup. And since it is served cold, it's literally as easy as chopping up ingredients and throwing them together in a pot. Just make sure that you pare down the recipe to suit your needs; the recipe on the deli's site makes a lot.
Simply combine tomato juice, cucumbers, green onions, green pepper, poblano peppers, tomatoes, cilantro, celery, onion powder, garlic powder, salt, olive oil, salad oil, Tabasco sauce, black pepper, Worcestershire sauce, cider vinegar, sugar, dill and cumin.
We halved the recipe and we had to use our 8-quart stockpot to hold the soup; our bowls were not large enough. It definitely helps if you let the gazpacho sit for a few hours before you dig in, giving the flavors time to mingle.
A big bowl of this will go a long way to fulfilling your vegetable requirements for the day. And a big bowl goes along great with some nice crusty bread; we prefer La Brea.