Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our First Garden, Update 9

It's been a little bit since we posted about our garden. Namely that's because all of our first batch of lettuce has been harvested and none of the other plants (except for herbs in containers and our garden) are ready to be picked.

But we have had some of our plants thrive (all of our garden right now was started with seedlings). For one, our zucchini plant has been growing to massive proportions (with cucumber in the lower-left corner and brandywine heirloom tomato in the upper right):

We have 8 tomato plants. Our 2 heirlooms were started after the other 6. Of those 6, one failed for a bit, and is now recovering. Of the rest, 2 or 3 are really going gangbusters. They're starting to look really tall and pretty.

Oh, well, hello 'maters. Come on in whenever you're ready.

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