Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Blogiversary!

It's been one year.

One year ago, Melissa and I started blogging at A Duo of Chefs. It's been an uphill culinary journey. We've gone from relying heavily on new recipes from magazines and online to trying more of our own concoctions.

And, although we skipped a couple of months early on, we've gotten into a rhythm of blogging and photographing while cooking. It's certainly been fun.

And we've learned a lot about our readers. One thing we've found out that really astounds us: Lots of people are looking for Homemade Crunch-Wrap Supreme recipes. Some of the search terms used to find us:
homemade crunchwrap supreme
homemade crunch wraps
homemade crunchwrap
3 crunch wraps
crunch wrap supreme
fold crunchwrap
homemade crunch wrap supreme
how to recreate a crunchwrap supreme
vegitarian crunchwrap supreme
what is in a crunch wrap supreme
As we begin our next year, we want to focus on a few things. Of those things, the most important are making more of our own recipes, shooting more video and visiting Wisconsin farms to increase our connection to the food we eat.

So we thank you for stopping by on this occasion of celebration. And we hope you'll come back for seconds!